Call Our Office: 334.365.6266

    We all know that you want to keep a heifer that will

make a good momma cow. Of course, who really knows

what type of history a replacement heifer will make one

day because many times those we have kept have

ended up open or just did not fit our program two years

later. One way Cleveland Land and Cattle tries to ensure

the replacement heifers kept are of the right kind is by

conducting a soundness evaluation in the fall of each

year for these new replacements. The local vet is called upon to conduct pelvic measurements and to test the internal components of each heifer before any breeding is conducted. Any replacement heifer that does not pass is culled.

                                                                        We try not to breed any heifer until at least 775-800lbs.

                                                                     They are fed accordingly, but not pushed too hard to

                                                                     obtain this weight requirement. At the time, the

                                                                     soundness evaluation is conducted, each heifer will lose

                                                                     the eartag she was assigned at birth, and now be given

                                                                     her eartag number, which will remain with her, the rest

                                                                     of her life. She is also tattooed to ensure her identity is

                                                                     never lost in the event that the tag is removed. It is not

                                                                     uncommon for our farm to raise potential replacement heifers for other people as well, which creates a situation where we have the ability to market these bred heifers in the late summer and early fall months. In August 2014, we sold 76 bred heifers and look forward to offering many more next year. We have already been contacted by local farmers to grow out replacement heifers for their herds, and this will allow us an opportunity to sell at least 150 bred heifers during the 2015 summer/fall months. 

Give us a call if you have an interest in the same.

Replacement Heifers